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Все вакансии


Вы свободно владеете немецким/английским или испанским языком? Хотели бы вы работать part-time/full-time в успешной команде? Тогда это объявление для вас! Команда Easy School постоянно растет. Будь вы студент или уже закончили университет, Easy School - это место, где вы можете развиваться как личность и создавать успешное, финансово обеспеченное будущее! Easy School - это онлайн-школа, где вы можете передать свои знания немецкого/английско

11 июля 2023
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За границей
4600 MDL

VACANTE TRADUCTOR/A ESPAÑOL>ITALIANO Buscamos un traductor para un proyecto de tres meses aproximadamente y futuras traducciones ocasionales. El proyecto consiste en traducir el contenido de la tienda online de nuestra empresa. Idioma de origen: español. Idioma de destino: italiano. Sector: planta ornamental. Experiencia en SEO muy valorable. Posibilidad de continuar la relación posteriormente con traducciones ocasionales como colabo

4 июля 2023
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Interpret ro-ru/ru-ro
WeWorld Moldova

WeWorld Moldova este în căutarea unui Interpret, limba română-rusă și rusă-română (RO-RU/RU-RO) Obiectivul angajării: Serviciu de interpretariat pentru un curs de formare profesională la Colegiul Alexei Mateevici din Chișinău. Durata contractului: 25 de ore pe săptămână, 5 zile pe săptămână, între orele 9.00 - 14.30. Contract de prestări servicii în perioada 3 iulie 23 - 18 august 23. Responsabilități: - Abilitatea de a traduce atât din

29 июня 2023
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8000 MDL

В связи с расширением, компания объявляет набор новых сотрудников в молодой и дружный коллектив на должность оператора со знанием Польского языка. Мы предлагаем хорошие условия для целеустремлённых, организованных и ответственных, а так же возможность работать в интересной развивающейся компании. Обязанности: - Ведение переписки с клиентами и пользователями сайта на Польском языке. - Работа с сайтом - Ведение учета данных полученных от пот

5 июня 2023
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Scoala de engleza

Ne extindem și căutăm Profesori de engleza Cerințe: 1. Cunoașterea limbii engleza - nivel avansat 2. Experiență în predare 3. Experiența de lucru cu platforme pentru lecții online- zoom, google meets 4. Studii superioare, in limbi străine, comunicare, filologie. 5. Important-modulul psihopedagogic finalizat 6. Entuziasm pentru a preda si a instrui Oferim training pentru persoanele care intr-adevăr doresc sa avanseze in domeniul pedago

22 мая 2023
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We are looking for a Data Entry and Web Research German Speaking Specialist (Remote) This position is a great start for those who want to start their career in an IT company! Skills: • good German language skills (B2 level) • basic English language skills • team player / open communication • creative thinker • analytical mindset • reliable internet connection that allows video conferences No previous experience required, we will assist y

19 мая 2023
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Agent recrutare
Group Crivelli &Co
От 7000 До 20 000 MDL

Vorbești engleza nivel conversațional - Ești sociabil; - Ai o abordare responsabilă față de îndeplinirea sarcinilor; - Știi să stabilești contacte individuale cu oamenii; - Ești gata să înveți repede. [ ] ✅Atunci locul tău este în echipa noastră! ✔️Vei putea să: - Câștigi un salariu săptămânal, până la ”limita capacităților tale” (salariu fix + comision); - Lucrezi într-un colectiv tânăr și profesionist; - Se ofera tehnica necesara

18 апреля 2023
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Ești fluent în limba Germană/Engleză sau Spaniolă? Dorești să faci un job part-time/full-time într-o echipă de succes? Atunci acest aviz este pentru tine! Echipa Easy School este în constantă dezvoltare. Fie că ești student sau ai absolvit deja facultatea de limbi străine, Easy School este acel loc unde vei putea să te dezvolți ca personalitate și să îți creezi un viitor de succes, asigurat financiar! Easy School este o platformă online und

18 апреля 2023
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Sales agents
Gagauz Brothers LTD

Leading UK Transportation Company Gagauz Brothers LTD looking for customer service representatives for our office. Requirements: - Fluent English and Russian languages (perfect oral and written); - Very good presentation and negotiation skills; - Previous experience in foreign companies, as a dispatcher in logistics industry, is an asset; - Good selling and customer service abilities; Responsibilities: - To identify the clients’ needs a

18 апреля 2023
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Usa freight coordinator
От 1500 До 3000 USD

Looking to express your ambitions, showcase your skills, and gain valuable experience in a dynamic environment? We are here for you! We are currently seeking the individuals who are highly motivated and positive-oriented to join our team as a USA Truck Dispatchers to cover our AVAILABLE 30+ trucks ( vans and reefers). You'll have the chance to work with a diverse group of carriers and customers, expanding your industry knowledge and buildin

10 апреля 2023
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Traducător colaborator
Swiss Solutions

Privet! Dacă ești vorbitor de limba ucraineană, rusă, engleză sau avem nevoie de ajutorul tău. Mai exact, căutăm traducători colaboratori pentru cele trei limbi, care să ne ajute să onorăm cererile în număr tot mai mare pentru acestea. Ce trebuie să faci pentru a te alătura agenției noastre? -să cunoști foarte bine limbile ucraineană/rusă/engleză; -să ai experiență demonstrabilă în domeniul traducerilor; -să poți folosi CAT Tools cum sun

21 марта 2023
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Traducător autorizat
Consult Direct Plus

Angajăm traducători autorizati de către Ministerul Justiției RM. Orice limbă! Transmite-ne CV-ul tău la adresa de e-mail: info@cdp-translationbureau.md În titlul emilului indică "Numele prenumele_traducator autorizat"

17 марта 2023
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Customer representative
От 15 000 До 30 000 MDL

Cine sîntem noi? Companie engleză de vinzare mașini și piese Jaguar și Land Rover, cu sediul in Wolverhampton, Marea Britanie Pe cine căutam? Căutăm o persoană care să aibă capacitatea de a gândi atât creativ, cât și analitic. O persoană cu inițiativă și plină de dorință de a învăța, cu capacitatea de a veni în mod constant cu idei proaspete pentru marketingul de conținut. Avem nevoie de atenție la detalii, astfel încât gramatica și orto

14 марта 2023
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Acord School
От 5000 До 10 000 MDL

Angajăm profesor de engleză part-time! Cunoști limba engleză la nivel de vorbire și dorești să-ți împărtășești cunoștințele? Iubești să predai și vrei să faci alți oameni să vorbească liber și să cunoască această limbă minunată? Iubești copii și dorești să le dai tot ce e mai bun și calitativ? Depui efort și iubire în ceea ce faci? Atunci nu ezita să faci parte din echipa noastră și să devii profesionist în domeniul, ce îți este drag

2 марта 2023
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Lead generation specialist
От 400 До 500 USD

**Welcome to us if you:** - are energized with achieving results - see the future in information technologies - ready to learn and develop with us - responsible in your work and attentive to details - now English at least at upper-intermediate level **Will be plus:** - basic technical knowledge in ІТ sphere - experience in copywriting **Your future challenges:** - work in a modern system of searching for potential customers

28 февраля 2023
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Procurment officer
UNDP Moldova
14 500 MDL

The United Nations is looking for talented and dedicated professionals to try themselves as UN Volunteers. Assignment title: Procurement Officer Host Entity: UNDP Moldova Duration: 6 months (with the possibility of extension) Benefits: Monthly Living Allowance (Per month): MDL 14516.92 Entry lump sum (one-time payment): USD 400 Exit allowance (for each month served, paid on completion of contract): MDL 1209.74 Medical and life insurance:

22 февраля 2023
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Языки переводов: Наше бюро переводов работает со всеми языки мира; А - азербайджанский, албанский, английский, арабский, армянский; Б - белорусский, болгарский; В - венгерский, вьетнамский; Г - голландский, греческий, грузинский; Д - дари, датский; И - иврит, испанский, итальянский; К - казахский, китайский, корейский; Л - латинский, латышский, литовский; М - молдавский, монгольский; Н - немецкий, норвежский; П - персидский, польский, португаль

7 февраля 2023
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Языки: Английский, Немецкий, Польский, Французский и другие. Требования к репетитору: Владение родным и иностранным языком в совершенстве; Опыт работы Скайп-репетитором от 2 лет; Заполнить анкету репетитора; Отправить нам копию диплома; Продемонстрировать методику преподавания по Скайпу. Обязанности: Преподавание иностранного языка по Скайпу; Планирование и разработка индивидуальной программы обучения иностранному языку;

6 февраля 2023
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Compania “LANCIO 22” SRL angajează lucrător calificat la postul de: Traducător/traducătoare (CORM-264311) CERINȚE: - Studii: superioare în domeniul traducerilor; - Stagiul în muncă: cel puțin 3 ani; - Obligatoriu cunoașterea instrumentelor software: 1) MS Office; 2) Internet. - Cunoașterea limbilor: engleză, rusă, ucraineană; - Abilități personale: spirit de lucru în echipă, responsabilitate, perseverență, acuratețe; - Abilități p

31 января 2023
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Magistra Prest, SRL
От 5500 До 6000 MDL

Magistra - Prest" SRL, angajeaza traducator de limbile straine Locul de munca este in sect. centru la adresa bd. Gr. Vieru. Serviciile companiei noastre sint: servicii de traduceri scrise si verbale. Cerinţe: - Consultarea, preluarea și prelucrarea comenzilor; - Responsabilitate şi disciplină. Program de lucru: 8.30 -17.00 - Pachet medical şi social deplin; - Salariu de la 5500-6000 lei. Rugăm candidații să trimită CV-ul la adresa de

28 января 2023
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Hegelmann Logistics

Кишиневский филиал немецкой транспортной фирмы Hegelmann Logistics в поисках оператора со знанием французского языка. Требования: - Знание румынского, русского и французского языков - обязательно; - Навыки работы на компьютере в различных офисных приложениях (Word, Excel и др.); - Обучаемость, усидчивость, аналитические способности. Должностные обязанности: - переговоры с клиентами по поводу решения возникающих в ходе перевозки грузов п

26 января 2023
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Mary Poppins

- Высшее образование; - Знание русского/ румынского языка; - Умение найти подход к детям; - Обучаемость; - Стрессоустойчивость

25 января 2023
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Embassy of the Slovak Republic
1200 EUR

Embassy of Slovakia in Chisinau is looking for a position local staff employee (Specialist in Economic issues; translator; protocol/tax officer) Job position: Local Staff of the Embassy: Specialist in Economic issues; translator; protocol and tax, customs officer; Type of position: Full-time, Employment Contract for a determined period (one year) to be prolonged after every year starting from 1st of March 2023. Monthly salary: 1200 EUR.

24 января 2023
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United Nations Volunteers (UNH...
От 10 000 До 13 000 MDL

The United Nations is looking for talented and dedicated professionals to try themselves as paid UN Volunteers. Title: Community-Based Protection Community of Practice Assistant Host entity: UNHCR Switzerland (with the possibility of carrying out the activity from Moldova) Duration: 12 months (with the possibility of extension) Volunteer category: Refugee UN Volunteer Benefits: Monthly Living Allowance (Per month) - approximately more t

16 декабря 2022
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Agro Lider

Compania ,,Agro Lider,, angajează vorbitori de limba Franceză sau Poloneză. Domeniul de activitate a companiei este importul tehnicii agricole și utilaje speciale din Europa. Principala cerință este aptitudinea de a vorbi fluent. Angajam și studenți fără de experiență, este important să aveți cunoștințe în domeniu. REMUNERARE DECENTĂ !!! Există oportunitatea de a lucra de la domiciliu. Trimiteţi cv-ul pe: agrolider.md@gmail.com Mai mul

12 декабря 2022
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International sales manager

Ce vei face : • Contacta telefonic Clientii existenti in vederea ameliorarii vanzarilor • Vei Participa activ la cautarea clientilor noi • Vei stabili Video Conferinte pt prezentarea serviciilor Companiei • Vei urmari atingerea planului de Vanzari Cerinte: • Engleza si Spaniola Fluenta (comunicarea este doar in Spaniola si Engleza) • Persoana Sociabila (sa-ti placa sa discuti cu oamenii) • Responsabilitate Orar : • Luni-Vineri 09

29 ноября 2022
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Zilant SA

- Вовлеченность в процесс - Ответственность - Высокая организованность - Способность принимать обоснованные и компетентные решения - Высокая работоспособность - Рациональное использование рабочего времени - Честность - Способность работать в команде - Знание Рус.Рум.Анг. языков

29 ноября 2022
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MGH Ground Handling
От 7000 До 10 000 MDL

Compania MGH Ground Handling (cu sediul pe Aeroportul Internațional Chișinău) angajează agent înregistrare pasageri și bagaj. Cerințe: - Studii superioare sau student în ultimii ani de studii; - Cunoașterea limbii engleze (nivel mediu), altă limba străină va constitui un avantaj; - Responsabilitate; - Disponibilitatea de a lucra în ture; ș.a Oferim instuire gratuită și posibilitatea de promovare în carieră. Salariu 7000-10000 Te rugăm să

29 ноября 2022
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Suport Dinamic

В связи с расширением, компания объявляет набор новых сотрудников в молодой и дружный коллектив на должность оператора со знанием Итальянского языка. Мы предлагаем хорошие условия для целеустремлённых, организованных и ответственных, а так же возможность работать в интересной развивающейся компании. Обязанности: - Ведение переписки с клиентами и пользователями сайта на итальянском языке. - Работа с сайтом - Ведение учета данных полученных

9 ноября 2022
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UNHCR Moldova
1868 USD

Organizația Națiunilor Unite caută profesioniști talentați și dedicați care să se încerce ca Voluntari ONU remunerați. Voluntarii ONU primesc mai multe tipuri de beneficii și alocații, care sunt considerate rambursări la nivelul determinat pentru a le asigura siguranța, securitatea și întreținerea, în conformitate cu standardele Națiunilor Unite. Denumire: Tânăr Voluntar Internațional al ONU în Protecție Entitate: UNHCR Moldova Naționalitea

20 октября 2022
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English talking agent

Companie din Marea Britanie, cu o experiență vastă in servicii de plasare a fortei de munca in UK ofera job in Oficiu din Chisinau: Cerinte: - Stie engleza la nivel conversational - Știe să comunice bine, să se exprime corect și să găsească un limbaj comun cu oricine Condițiile oferite: - Avem o echipă productivă, veselă și prietenoasă; - Ne aflăm în Chișinău, Botanica; - Oferim instruire din partea companiei. Vrem să fim competenți, așa c

18 октября 2022
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Dispatch – assistant
Canadian Transportation Compan...
От 15 000 До 20 000 MDL

Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling marketing, sales, and operations for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Official employment • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: starting salary (1st 3 months) 12000 MDL. 15000 MDL onwards. Targeted salary within 12 months of employment is 16000 MDL - 20000 MDL (depending on perf

1 октября 2022
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Moving consultant
Canadian Transportation Compan...
От 11 000 До 12 000 MDL

The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. Our Requirements: - Fluent English (oral and written); - Possess strong customer service and problem-solving skills (attentiveness, tenacity, patience, politeness, etc) - Strong sales skills - Commitment to long-term employment - Commitment to continuous improvement, learning, and growth Main

1 октября 2022
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Galaxy HVAC and Appliance Repa...
От 700 До 800 USD

HVAC and Appliance Repair Company, based in California, USA, is looking for an English speaking person to fill in an open full-time position of a dispatcher in our remote office, located in Tiraspol. The candidate must meet the following requirements: - Spoken and Written English (B2 and above) - confident PC skills - ability to work at night (8pm-5am local time, 10am-7pm PST) We offer: - highly competitive salary (twice a month, hou

29 сентября 2022
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Dispatch – assistant
Canadian Transportation Compan...
От 14 000 До 20 000 MDL

Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling marketing, sales, and operations for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Official employment • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: starting salary (1st 3 months) 12000 MDL. 15000 MDL onwards. Targeted salary within 12 months of employment is 16000 MDL - 20000 MDL (depending on perf

29 сентября 2022
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Moving consultant
Canadian Transportation Compan...
От 11 000 До 12 000 MDL

The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. Our Requirements: - Fluent English (oral and written); - Possess strong customer service and problem-solving skills (attentiveness, tenacity, patience, politeness, etc) - Strong sales skills - Commitment to long-term employment - Commitment to continuous improvement, learning, and growth Main

29 сентября 2022
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Dispatch – assistant
Canadian Transportation Compan...

Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling marketing, sales, and operations for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Official employment • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: starting salary (1st 3 months) 12000 MDL. 15000 MDL onwards. Targeted salary within 12 months of employment is 16000 MDL - 20000 MDL (depending on perf

28 сентября 2022
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Moving consultant
Canadian Transportation Compan...

The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. Our Requirements: - Fluent English (oral and written); - Possess strong customer service and problem-solving skills (attentiveness, tenacity, patience, politeness, etc) - Strong sales skills - Commitment to long-term employment - Commitment to continuous improvement, learning, and growth Main

28 сентября 2022
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Dispatch – assistant
Canadian Transportation Compan...
От 15 000 До 20 000 MDL

Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling marketing, sales, and operations for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Official employment • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: starting salary (1st 3 months) 12000 MDL. 15000 MDL onwards. Targeted salary within 12 months of employment is 16000 MDL - 20000 MDL (depending on perf

26 сентября 2022
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Moving consultant
Canadian Transportation Compan...
От 11 000 До 12 000 MDL

The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. Our Requirements: - Fluent English (oral and written); - Possess strong customer service and problem-solving skills (attentiveness, tenacity, patience, politeness, etc) - Strong sales skills - Commitment to long-term employment - Commitment to continuous improvement, learning, and growth Main

26 сентября 2022
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От 400 До 500 EUR

We are searching native individuals from Middle East, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, to facilitate our interaction with our foreign clients from respective countries (translation, local information and insides, document management, a.o.) The work is officially and we also can help with obtaining work permit for candidates that are not currently in Moldova. If You are interested please send us your CV and a brief cover letter to our email: just.par

26 сентября 2022
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Dispatch – assistant
Toronto Moving Company
От 15 000 До 20 000 MDL

Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling marketing, sales, and operations for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Official employment • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: starting salary (1st 3 months) 12000 MDL. 15000 MDL onwards. Targeted salary within 12 months of employment is 16000 MDL - 20000 MDL (depending on perf

23 сентября 2022
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Moving consultant
Toronto Moving Company
От 11 000 До 15 000 MDL

The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. Our Requirements: - Fluent English (oral and written); - Possess strong customer service and problem-solving skills (attentiveness, tenacity, patience, politeness, etc) - Strong sales skills - Commitment to long-term employment - Commitment to continuous improvement, learning, and growth Main

23 сентября 2022
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Dispatch – assistant
Toronto Moving Company
От 14 000 До 20 000 MDL

Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling marketing, sales, and operations for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Official employment • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: starting salary (1st 3 months) 12000 MDL. 15000 MDL onwards. Targeted salary within 12 months of employment is 16000 MDL - 20000 MDL (depending on perf

22 сентября 2022
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Moving consultant
Toronto Moving Company
От 11 000 До 12 000 MDL

The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. Our Requirements: - Fluent English (oral and written); - Possess strong customer service and problem-solving skills (attentiveness, tenacity, patience, politeness, etc) - Strong sales skills - Commitment to long-term employment - Commitment to continuous improvement, learning, and growth Main

22 сентября 2022
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Dispatch – assistant
Toronto Moving Company
От 15 000 До 20 000 MDL

Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling marketing, sales, and operations for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Official employment • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: starting salary (1st 3 months) 12000 MDL. 15000 MDL onwards. Targeted salary within 12 months of employment is 16000 MDL - 20000 MDL (depending on perf

21 сентября 2022
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Moving consultant
Toronto Moving Company
От 11 000 До 12 000 MDL

The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. Our Requirements: - Fluent English (oral and written); - Possess strong customer service and problem-solving skills (attentiveness, tenacity, patience, politeness, etc) - Strong sales skills - Commitment to long-term employment - Commitment to continuous improvement, learning, and growth Main

21 сентября 2022
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Dispatch – assistant
Toronto Moving Company
От 15 000 До 20 000 MDL

Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling marketing, sales, and operations for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Official employment • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: starting salary (1st 3 months) 12000 MDL. 15000 MDL onwards. Targeted salary within 12 months of employment is 16000 MDL - 20000 MDL (depending on perf

20 сентября 2022
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Moving consultant
Toronto Moving Company
От 11 000 До 15 000 MDL

The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. Our Requirements: - Fluent English (oral and written); - Possess strong customer service and problem-solving skills (attentiveness, tenacity, patience, politeness, etc) - Strong sales skills - Commitment to long-term employment - Commitment to continuous improvement, learning, and growth Main

20 сентября 2022
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АнтиШкола английского
От 400 До 900 MDL

Международная образовательная компания по изучению английского языка ANTISCHOOL приглашает преподавателей английского языка (онлайн) с возможностью зарабатывать 800 долларов Регистрируйся здесь и мы свяжемся с тобой в ближайшее время forms.gle/TSU7vyx8K8LQfunu8 ANTISCHOOL — одна из самых больших сетей оффлайн и онлайн курсов по всей Украине и за рубежом. Мы уже 7 лет активно работаем и развиваемся, собственная интерактивная онлайн пла

20 сентября 2022
Отправить CV
Прикрепить CV CV с сайта
Прикрепить CV

Укажите ваше Имя и Фамилию

Есть CV на сайте? Вход
Отправить CV

Укажите желаемую вакансию

Добавить сопроводительное письмо
Твое резюме успешно отправлено 🥳