553 вакансии

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Ticketing Supervisor (Emiratele Arabe Unite)

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

C&P Dubai
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Căutăm sales assistant în Luxury Boutique, Qatar. Avem nevoie de la tine să: cunoști engleza min de nivel A2 ai pașaport biometric valabil minim 1 an În schimb noi îți oferim: Salariu prestigios Cazare asigurată, două persoane în odaie mobilată complet Masă de trei ori pe zi Transport zilnic către/d...

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Ticketing / Check in staff for Dubai airport (Emiratele Arabe Unite)

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

C&P Dubai
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Căutăm persoane pentru funcția de Ticketing / Check in staff for Dubai airport Dubai (Emiratele Arabe Unite). Aplică chiar acum dacă ai experiență și entuziasm pentru această profesie. În schimb noi îți oferim: Salariu motivant+bonusuri Cazare asigurata Masă de 2 ori pe zi Transport zilnic către/de ...

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Assistant Operations Manager in Logistics

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Glorificator SRL
От 12 000 До 20 000 MDL

Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: Cozy and conveniently located office Official employment Opportunities for growth Initial 1st-month probation with a startin...

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Truck Dispatch Sales Representative

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Smart Dispatch
От 500 До 2 000 USD

Are you a skilled sales professional with the ability to build strong relationships with trucking companies and owner-operators? Do you have a proactive approach to lead generation and a proven ability to close deals? If you are looking to advance your career in a dynamic and fast-paced industry, we...

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Șef Secțiune (Cahul) perioadă determinată

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

LC Waikiki

Beneficii: O carieră cu oportunități constante de a învăța, de a crește și de a avea noi provocări Comunicare deschisă, lucru în echipă și cultură corporativă puternică Oportunitatea de a face parte din echipa care își propune să fie unul dintre cele 3 cele mai de succes mărci de îmbrăcăminte gata f...

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Customer Care Representative | Chisinau

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад


We are looking for an enterprising and dynamic Customer Care Representative. As a part of our team, you will be responsible for providing correct and important logistic information towards our clients. As single point of contact, you will be responsible for the bonding and excellent service to our c...

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Travel Coordinator

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

US Software Solutions is a software development company focused on providing digital technologies to the Utilities, Telecommunications, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Gas/Electricity sectors. Thanks to a team consisting exclusively of experts in their field, we are ready to supervise any p...

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Manager Secțiune (Rezina)

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

LC Waikiki

Beneficii: O carieră cu oportunități constante de a învăța, de a crește și de a avea noi provocări Comunicare deschisă, lucru în echipă și cultură corporativă puternică Oportunitatea de a face parte din echipa care își propune să fie unul dintre cele 3 cele mai de succes mărci de îmbrăcăminte gata f...

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Compliance and Safety Fleet Manager

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

US Software Solutions is a software development company focused on providing digital technologies to the Utilities, Telecommunications, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Gas/Electricity sectors. Thanks to a team consisting exclusively of experts in their field, we are ready to supervise any p...

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Guest Relation Agent în Dubai

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

C&P Dubai
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Căutăm persoane pentru funcția guest relations pentru unul dintre cele mai luxoase hotele ale lumii în orașele Doha (Qatar) sau Dubai (Emiratele Arabe Unite). Aplică chiar acum dacă ai experiență și entuziasm pentru această profesie. Avem nevoie de la tine să: cunoști engleza min de nivel A2 ai pașa...

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Office Manager

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Midnight Works

Echipa Midnight.Works se extinde și avem nevoie de un Office Manager! Beneficii: Posibilitatea de a face parte dintr-o companie cunoscută la nivel internațional. Suntem rezidenți IT Park. Abonament la sala de sport. Parcare subterană. Salariul flexibil, stabilit de comun acord în funcție de abilităț...

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Laser Processing
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Toți cei care au fost implicați în design 2D/3D, grup motopropulsor și transmisie, hidraulice/electrice, echipamente de înaltă tensiune în producția de vehicule comerciale, în special vehicule de pasageri. CERINȚE FAȚĂ DE CANDIDAT: Învățământ tehnic superior; Cel puțin 3 ani experiență în lucrări de...

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Sales Agent | Operator-Consultant - Limba Engleza Obligatorie

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

WeCare Removals
От 600 До 1 500 EUR

Angajam - Operator/Consultant - Limba Engleza Obligatorie / Vanzari / Sales Agent Salarizare de start 600 EUR + % din vanzarile lunare. Cautam colegi pe postul de Operator/Consultant pentru a interactiona direct cu clientii la telefon cat si prin email-uri, doar in limba Engleza. LIMBA ENGLEZA ESTE ...

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От 20 000 До 25 000 MDL

Требования к кандидату: высшее образование; опыт работы в сфере логистики, закупок и импорта-экспорта не менее 3-х лет; знание международной логистики; глубокое знание таможенных процедур и правил международной торговли; глубокое знание транспортных и коммуникационных путей; навыки ведения переговор...

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Администратор баз данных

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

800 EUR

IT компания «Eurosupport International» ищет специалиста тех поддержки (администратора базы данных) ! Требования: Обязательно: свободное владение русским граммотным языком. Хорошее владение английским языком. Возможность общаться письменно и устно (документация и учебные пособия написаны на английск...

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Asistent Manager

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Midnight Works

Echipa Midnight.Works se extinde și avem nevoie de un Asistent Manager. Beneficii: Posibilitatea de a face parte dintr-o companie cunoscută la nivel internațional. Suntem rezidenți IT Park. Abonament la sala de sport. Parcare subterană. Salariul flexibil, stabilit de comun acord în funcție de abilit...

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Credit Risk Analyst

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

ProCredit Bank

Responsabilitați: Efectuarea analizei financiare; Evaluarea corectă a riscurilor și propunerea măsurilor de atenuare; Examinarea cazurilor de credit și formularea unei opinii privind riscul de credit; Prezentarea cazurilor de credit la Comitetul de credit și pregătirea materialelor suplimentare pent...

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Car Hauler Dispatcher

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Enormous Logistics
От 1 500 До 5 000 USD

Full Job Description Enormous Logistics is the leading name in the Auto Transport industry in United States, offering top-notch Car Hauling Services across the country with 100% satisfaction. We're proud of our record with our employees. We are hiring a talented Dispatcher to join our team. If you'r...

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Operator suport tehnic (e-Logbooks)

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Highest Gear LLC

Fie că ai experiență de muncă sau abia de ți-a venit idea să începi primul tău job, noi îți oferim oportunitatea să îți pui potențialul la încercare! Un angajat ideal in colectivul nostru de munca ar: Cunoaște limba engleză (B2+); Posedă deprinderea de a folosi shortcuturi la tastatură și ar avea o ...

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Specialist Comerț Internațional

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Candidatul Ideal: Cunoasterea uneia dintre următoarele limbi străine: Spaniolă,Italiana, Rusa, Engleza; Dornic să înceapă o carieră în vânzări, achiziții, negociere; Experiența anterioară nu este obligatorie; Dornic să călătorească internațional; Orientat spre rezultate și auto-motivat; Cunoștințe P...

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Car Hauling Dispatcher

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Smart Dispatch
3 000 USD

We offer: Up to 5 trucks per dispatcher Salary up to $3000 / month (NET to you bank acc) Legal contract Paid taxi Bonuses! Experienced and cool team We require: Experience (car-hauling) Ability to work with up to 5 trucks (Mostly owner-operators) Proficient in English (oral and written) Outstanding ...

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Korean speaking Customer Service $1200+

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Thrive in a rewarding career being part of a movement of giving back and helping others. Join our Team! We are looking for an energetic, communicative Customer Support Representative to join our team and answer questions and requests from our cust...

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Account Manager Brokerage (up to $5000)

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

IG Team
1 000 USD

We are IGTeam, a young and dynamic group of enthusiasts, providing dispatch and logistics services for the American transportation market right in the heart of Chisinau. We are with IGT Logistics, an American freight brokerage, specializing in over the road trucking, as well as international shippin...

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Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

За границей
700 USD

Наша компания развивается в сфере логистики в США более 7 лет. Мы разрабатываем такие продукты, как логистический сервис для Американских транспортных компаний, онлайн-видеошколу, TMS, а также сервис для онлайн нотаризации документов. Сейчас в нашей команде более 200 сотрудников и мы нацелены на дал...

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Experienced Car Hauling Dispatcher (700-4000$)

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

От 700 До 4 000 USD

Responsibilities: Communicate with your drivers Conduct market analysis Look for them good loads (the best ones preferred) Provide excellent customer support Negotiate with brokers Analyse and build a route across the USA Requirements: Knowledge of English Experience in the car-hauling is welcome, b...

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Customer Operations Agent

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is looking for a new colleague to fill in the position of Customer Operations Agent to work with our International Partners. You’ll be responsible for completing a range of customer operations processes. It will be You and the applications we use, without customer contact. what you wi...

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Customer support (English)

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

700 USD

Responsibilities: Receiving, noting and forwarding telephone calls Providing customers/potential customers with information about the company's products Preparing and editing documents in requested situations Providing support to company employees (e.g. data entry activities, appointment scheduling,...

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Technical Customer Support - Banking, Moldova

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Location: Chisinau Work Type: Full Time About us: Cedacri International is part of ION Group, a community of visionary innovators, dedicated to providing pioneering software and consultancy services to financial institutions, trading firms, central banks, governments, and corporations around the wor...

Banking Junior Developer, Moldova Cedacri International

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Location: Chisinau Work Type: Full Time About us: Cedacri International is part of ION Group, a community of visionary innovators, dedicated to providing pioneering software and consultancy services to financial institutions, trading firms, central banks, governments, and corporations around the wor...

Dispecer în car hauling cu experiență (700-4000$)

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

От 700 До 4 000 USD

Cerințe și responsabilități: Organizarea, planificarea și coordonarea activității de transport; Analiza pietei de car hauling Identificarea incarcaturilor bune pentru soferii dvs. Negociere cu brokerii Stabilirea traseele optime și monitorizarea curselor Asistență pentru clienți Cerințe: Cunoașterea...

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Диспетчер на Car Hauling (700-4000$)

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

От 700 До 4 000 USD

Требования и обязательства: Общения со своими водителями Анализ рынка кар холинга Поиск хороших загрузок для своих водителей(желательно самые лучшие) Переговоры с брокерами Правильное построение маршрута Обеспечьте отличную поддержку клиентов Требования: Знание английского Опыт работы в car hauling ...

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Sales & Partnerships Specialist (English & Russian)

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

От 15 000 До 50 000 MDL

Exciting Opportunity: Sales Manager (English & Russian) Join B My Guest Holiday Homes and Take Your Career to New Heights! At B My Guest Holiday Homes, a leading real estate management company with over 8 years of experience, we are looking for driven, dynamic Sales Managers to join our growing inte...

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German Buying | Sales Agent

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Impro Group

The attractive OFFICIAL GROSS salary package + performance commissions after 1-3 months!!!! FULL SOCIAL PACKAGE included!!!! FLEXIBLE HYBRID WORK! What you have to do: To establish contact with potential and EXISTING clients via phone and email To identify key decision-makers within companies To ide...

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Flatbed dispatcher

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Smart Dispatch
3 000 USD

We offer: 1.2%-2.0% from Gross 5-7 trucks per dispatcher Salary up to $3000 / month (NET to you bank acc) Legal contract Paid taxi Bonuses! Experienced and cool team We require: Flatbed trucking experience Ability to work with 5-7 trucks (Mostly owner-operators) Proficient in English (oral and writt...

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Sales Representative

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад


PoliLingua Limited is a leading UK-based company providing a comprehensive range of language and business support services such as translation, interpretation, multicultural marketing, website globalization, subtitling, and voiceovers. Our high-profile clients from across the globe rely on us to del...

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WeCare Removals
От 600 До 1 500 EUR

WECARE REMOVALS UK is looking for English Sales Agents in Moldova. (Sales experience is an advantage, but it is not a requirement) What do we offer? An attractive OFFICIAL GROSS salary package plus performance bonuses every month and at the end of the year (after 1-3 months). Full Social Package Coz...

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Dispecer | Manager in transport international (compania de transport)

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

От 20 000 До 30 000 MDL

Cerinte: Studii superioare (economice, tecnice, juridice, din domeniul transportului - prezinta un avantaj); Experienta in domeniul transportului/expeditii/logictica minim 1 an obligatoriu; Cunoașterea fluenta a limbii Române, Ruse+ Engleza; Cunoasterea buna de PC; Cunoasterea legislatiei tematice (...

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Manager de Vânzări (vorbitor de limbă engleză)

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

От 15 000 До 50 000 MDL

Alătură-te echipei noastre ca Manager de Vânzări! Companie: B My Guest Holiday Homes Poziție: Manager de Vânzări (vorbitor de limbă engleză și rusă) Devino o parte esențială a echipei B My Guest Holiday Homes, o companie de management imobiliar de top, cu peste 8 ani de experiență în furnizarea de s...

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Travel Business Class Sales Manager

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Air Business Class
От 1 000 До 5 000 USD

Airbusinessclass is a premier travel agency dedicated to providing a personalized approach to meet the unique travel needs of each client. With a commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and tailoring experiences to our clients' preferences, our goal is to create unforgettable journeys ...

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Travel Sales Agent

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Air Business Class

Airbusinessclass is a premier travel agency dedicated to providing a personalized approach to meet the unique travel needs of each client. With a commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and tailoring experiences to our clients' preferences, our goal is to create unforgettable journeys ...

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Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

От 13 000 До 14 500 MDL

Main responsibilities: Receives calls and make reservations; Records reservation information accurately; Files all reservations in a systematic order for easy referral; Records requests for special accommodations and suites; Handles all guest service issues in an immediate and professional manner; A...

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Customer Support Agent - Day Shift | English

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад


Roslin is looking for a Customer Support Agent. No cold calls, no sales, existing customers only. Join our open atmosphere and our culture of trust and support. Every day our team delivers next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect with their customers. We ...

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Car Hauling dispatcher

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Route One Group
5 000 USD

Route One Group represents a conglomerate of companies dedicated to revolutionizing the trucking industry. With over 8 years of experience in the American market and a strong presence in Chisinau, we provide a comprehensive range of services, including IT solutions, mobile applications, cutting-edge...

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Sales Manager

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад


We are a dispatch company specializing Car hauling industry. With extensive experience in the industry, we provide quality services to our clients. Responsibilities: Actively seek and attract new clients to expand the company's customer base. Engage in effective negotiations and sales of our transpo...

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Sales manager

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Route One Group
От 15 000 До 50 000 MDL

We're Route One Group, the team known for orchestrating seamless cargo transport across the nation. We are proud to be a trustworthy employer having the best interest in our employees. Our aim is to guide our colleagues, so they can grow together with our company. We're looking for the Sales manager...

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Experienced Dispatcher

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

MDX Line

We Offer: Great Salary: Highly competitive percentage pay Fast Career Growth for outstanding individuals based on performance only Working hours from 3 pm - 12 midnight, Monday - Friday Friendly and supporting team Progressive leadership Comfortable office and great working conditions Responsibiliti...

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Tickets Sales Representative from 1000$

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

1 000 USD

Are you a people person with great communication skills? Do you have experience working in customer service or sales? If you answered yes to both, then we have the perfect job for you! We’re looking for a Ticket Sales Representative to join our team. As a Tickets Sales Representative, you will be re...

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Safety Manager

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Highest Gear LLC

If you are ready to conscientiously fulfill your duties day after day and strive for career growth, we are waiting for you in our team! From the very first days of training, we expect from you only responsibility and determination. And we'll take care of the rest! Primary requirements: Strong knowle...

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Safety Manager

Актуализировано: 4 дня назад

Highest Gear LLC

Мы ждем тебя в нашей команде! У нас найдется место каждому, кто ценит постоянство в работе, готов день за днем добросовестно выполнять свои обязанности, оттачивая мастерство до совершенства, и тому, кто стремится к большему и мечтает о карьерном росте. С самых первых дней обучения мы ждем от тебя од...

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Готовы сделать следующий шаг в карьере?. Хотите развиваться в работе, которая помогает другим и приносит удовлетворение?. Мы ищем энергичного и коммуникабельного специалиста службы поддержки клиентов для работы в нашей команде. Основные задачи включают ответы на запросы клиентов, решение возникающих...

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